Saturday, January 4, 2014


                          VEGAN SQUASH WITH TOFU by CHEF DAN:

Serves 4



1 (14 Oz) package tofu

2 tablespoons olive oil, divided

2 tablespoons light soy sauce

1 can MAE PLOY coconut milk

1 (4 Oz) can sliced water chestnuts

1 tablespoon red curry paste

1 tablespoon light Agave Nectar

1 handful fresh basil

4 cups squash, cut into chunks

Swiss chard, washed and roughly chopped, tough stems removed



1.   Place tofu in a dish cloth and wrap tightly and set in strainer.

2.   Place a heavy weight on top to drain water.

3.   After 20 minutes, remove and cube.

4.   In a skillet add 1 tablespoon oil over medium-heat and when simmering.

5.   Add tofu cubes and soy sauce, and sauté for 2-3minutes.

6.   Transfer to a bowl.

7.   In the same skillet add remaining oil and when hot add curry paste.

8.   When curry dissolves add 1/3-of the coconut milk.

9.   Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

10.                Add  water chestnuts, Avave Nectar, tofu, squash, and remaining coconut milk.

11.                Cook for about 5 minutes.

12.                Add chard, cover and cook another 4-5 minutes.

13.                Remove lid and mix.

14.                Add basil and cook a couple minutes longer.

15.                Serve over cooked jasmine rice.


ENJOY DAN:                      BON-APPETITE!!

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