Monday, March 16, 2020


                       FERMENTED HOT SAUCE by CHEF DAN:
Makes 1-quart
6-cups green, yellow, red jalapeno peppers
3-bell peppers, cut into stripes
3-multicolored carrots, do not peel, cut into thin strips.
1/2-onion, sliced
4-cloves garlic, sliced
4-cardamon pods
1-teaspoon EACH coriander seeds, & black pepper
1/3-aged balsamic vinegar
1/2-teaspoon chili powder
1-tablespoon miso paste

 7cups water
5-teaspoons sea salt

1.   Heat the water & stir the sea salt into the warm water until dissolved.
2.   Let cool to room temperature.
3.   Wearing gloves, slice the peppers in half & remove stem & few seeds.
4.   Dump all the solids in a blender with 1/2-cup brie.
5.   Blend until somewhat smooth.
6.   Pour all into a 2-quart jar.
7.   Pour saltwater brine into the jar with chilies.
8.   If you need more liquid 1-teaspoon salt to 1- cup water.
9.   Weigh the top down with canning weights or zip-lock bag full of water.
10 Screw on top with vent.
11 Place in cool dark place 5-7 days, or until brine seems cloudy.
12 You will know it is fermenting by cloudy water & bubbling & activity.
13 When ready pour into 6-inch plastic squirt bottles.

ENJOY DAN:                                BE HEALTH EAT FERMENTED!!!!

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